The Bio-incubator aims to carry out training workshops at different times of the year. Training to entrepreneurs will be imparted in various technical areas through the execution of hands-on workshops. The training workshops will be organized in different areas including bioprocess development, molecular and cell biology, and animal cell culture handling. These workshops will also provide exposure to trainees and incubatees to allied areas like business development and IPR management through the conduction of seminars by outside field experts.
BioNEST-UDSC carries out Hands on workshop on different Biotechnology techniques for students, to equip them with necessary hands on experience. These workshop are organised throughout the year, Key areas where BioNEST-UDSC focuses in training and hands-on workshops are 1. Entrepreneurship workshops 2. Basic molecular biology techniques 3. PCR/RT-PCR techniques 4.Cell culture techniques, 5. Fermentation Technology 6. Electrophoresis Techniques 7. Training workshops on HPLC & GC as well as 8. Workshops on Florescence Microscopy.
Hands on training Workshops
List of Workshops